четверг, 1 сентября 2022 г.

5 А классу

 на 2.09.

1 Выучить Classroom Language

2 Те, кто читал летом книжки, готовит сообщение по плану + рисунок любимого героя на А4:

A Book Report

1 The title /The title of the book is…

2 The author of the book / The author of the book is…

3 The location (Место действия) and the time when the story takes place/The story takes place in ……………. more than … years ago.

4 The names of the main characters. What do they look like? (Как выглядят?) What are they like? (Какие они по характеру?) /The main character is Nils …. He is a boy of  14. He lives on the farm with his family. He doesn’t like ……

5 What’s your favourite character? Why?/ My favourite character is ….. I like him/her because ….

6 What’s your favourite part? (Любимая глава/эпизод?) Why?/My favourite part is ….. I like it because ….

7 What does the book teach you? / The book teaches me ……..

8 What English words does the book help you to learn? (Какие английские слова книга помогла вам запомнить?- 2-3 слова) What do they mean? (Что они означают?)/The book helps me to learn the words ………. They mean ……..



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